Series post: Styling your photography session // Family Photos

What to wear, what to wear, what to wear??! That's probably one of the most popular email questions I get from my clients. It is tough to figure out what colors and patterns will compliment the venue you've chosen and then there's that little hurdle of actually getting your children (or, ahem, husband) to agree to wear it! Never fear! I'm here to give you some advice on styling your photography session for your family photos! Check out my top 4 tips below! Fall Photo Styling

Tip #1: Choose your color palette (wisely). A lot of factors can influence what color palette you choose for outfits when it comes to your family photos. You most likely have colors that look great (or not so great) on your skin tone. So, start there first. Chose one strong color to be the leader of your palette and then base the rest of the outfit around that. I recommend neutrals. Always. You don't all have to match perfectly (I advise against that, actually) but a cohesive color scheme can translate lovely on camera.

Fall Photo Styling Family Pictures

Tip #2: Accessories matter. A simple earring, fun statement necklace or darling flower crown on your little one (see above) can really dress up your outfit with minimal effort. I usually abide by the "less is more" philosophy when it comes to accessories. They shouldn't be the star of the show. You and your family should be. When it comes to children and accessories, try a cute (yet understated) bow for girls or some classic suspenders for boys. How about a pair of cute booties or moccasins for the baby? You see where this is going....

Fall Photo Styling Family Fashion

Tip #3: Don't be afraid to incorporate a bold print. I lovvvvee me a print dress or cute striped baby shirt. However, make sure your prints aren't competing with each other. I recommend one person in your family rock the bold print and others wear solid or more neutral colors that are complimentary. Also- if you are going for the print, go big or go home! Meaning- a large print pattern is going to photograph better than a small print pattern.

Family Photo Session Style

Tip #4: Go the extra mile. I'm not a super picky dresser in my everyday life and comfort usually takes all in my book. But for professional photos, I do recommend putting in the extra effort. Iron your dress or your hubby's shirt, put on an extra layer of mascara or throw some hair gel in your tween boys mop. These little details help to make everyone look (and feel) a bit more put together.

Looking for more family photo styling inspiration? Check out my Pinterest board with loads of outfit ideas HERE. Still looking to book your fall mini session? Check here to see my availability!